Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Day in the Life

I love reading other blogger's posts about their daily lives and routines, and since I don't have much new to report, I thought I'd share mine.
This is my day today:
5:45 snooze alarm, play on phone, and pet Yadi
6:00 get out of bed
6:05 take Yadi out and get Trinket up/out (due to a few of her habits she is no longer allowed to sleep with me or roam free at night and sleeps in her cage)
6:20 - 7:15 shower, do hair and makeup
7:20 leave home
7:50 drop Yadi at Camp Bow Wow
8:10 arrive at work
8:10 - 12 work like a madwoman
12-1:20 lunch out with coworkers
1:20-5 work
5 yay time to leave!
5:30 pick up Yadi after sitting in traffic
6 arrive home
6:05 -6:30 change out of work clothes and heat up leftovers
6:30 -7:30 study (Fall semester started today {!!})
7:30 - 8:15 walk dogs/do a few exercises
8:15-9 bath
9 in bed watch tv or read
10 lights out! zzzz
 Tiny Dog working on her fitness
I sent Nick a lot of pictures of the dogs when he is out of town so he can keep up with their shenanigans
My husband travels a lot for work and is gone this entire week. When he is home, I try to cook an actual meal. When I on my own, I like to make dishes that I can eat for several days. I also go to pure barre two nights a week, so those nights I don't get home until 7. Yadi doesn't go to dog day care every day, but this week it is a necessity  with 100 degree temps. At times I also have to study for several hours, so not much else gets done on those nights!
Thanks for reading. We've almost made it to the end of the week!


  1. I'm in bed around 9 or 10 too! I wake up at 5 (boo!) for the dogs -- or really my boyfriend it the one who walks them at 5 before we go to the gym together. Does Trinket freak out when she sleeps in the crate? Our puppies have slept in our bed (no longer allowed), slept on the floor of our room (still sometimes OK), and has had free roam (we stopped that). So now they sleep on the floor of our room, but I wake up to one of them peeing on our carpet EVERY night! I want to put them both in their crates at night until they're potty trained, but they've always spent the night close to us. I know they'll freak out, but it's also something we need to do so they learn that the floor isn't their bathroom. I feel like I am being way too easy on them and they're walking all over us. Ahhh it stresses me out haha

  2. Such a cute post! I can't believe it's already time for the semester to start! I hope you have a wonderful, stress-free semester!

  3. Aaaw, Trinket sleeping alone...are the habits anything that she could be trained not to do?

  4. Sounds somewhat similiar to mine. I need to do one of these posts. Sorry about the lack of comments. Earlier this week, work made it where I can't see Blogger anymore, which means, I can't see my feed. I'm having to manually go to sites.
    Hence, why I blogged on my phone today. UGH!! :(( Let's hope it's temporary!!

  5. My husband is deployed right now and I have the hardest time making 'real' dinner s for me and the boys. I love Savannah though- my husband was with 3rd ID out of Ft Stewart when we first starting dating and I am always jealous of people who are from there!

  6. You are busy!! My goal for the next week is to be in bed by 10! I always have grand plans to go to bed early but HGTV distracts me!
